Departments interested in submitting a course for Writing II credit should:

  • Read the Writing II Committee’s Guidelines and Recommendations for Writing II Courses
  • Prepare a course syllabus that clearly delineates:
    • how writing assignments will be used to introduce students to your discipline’s principal concerns, various genres, and modes of discourse;
    • the different kinds of writing assignments to be completed in the course of the quarter (or year if a cluster); their length; and opportunities that students will have to revise their written work;
    • the percentage of the final grade that is linked to the course’s writing assignments.
  • Prepare a Writing II Course Proposal Information Sheet  and upload this in the Course and Curriculum Management System (CMS).
  • Instructors interested in creating a Writing II course or modifying an existing course into a Writing II course should work with Writing Programs to develop their syllabus prior to submitting their proposal. Please contact Maja Manojlovic for support developing or revising your syllabus.

The Review Process

  • The review process includes collaboration between instructors and the Writing II Committee, so please note that approval of Writing II courses may take up to two quarters.
  • The Writing II Committee review process is separate from the Registrar’s Office Schedule of Classes Production Deadlines. Please consider the varying timeframes when planning the quarter of your course offering.

Submitting a proposal

  • Address your course proposal materials to the Chair of the Writing II Committee. Proposals should be submitted using the Curriculum and Course Management System. If you have any questions, please email Jen Hirashiki at Once your proposal is received, it will be distributed to the members of the Writing II Committee for review.

Collegium of Undergraduate Teaching Fellowships

  • The Writing II committee recognizes that graduate students may seek experience teaching writing courses. While CUTF courses are eligible for Writing II credit approval, please note two matters of timing. First, the Writing II approval process can take upwards of two to three quarters and is not guaranteed. Second, instructors of Writing II courses must complete English Composition 495E (or English Composition 495M and N in the Clusters training program) prior to teaching the approved course, and then enroll in English Composition 495F simultaneously with the approved course.


Proposal Deadline Approved Courses Effective Term
Friday, September 27, 2024 Spring/Summer 2025
Friday, January 3, 2025 Fall 2025
Friday, April 4, 2025 Winter 2026
Friday, September 26, 2025 Spring/Summer 2026
Friday, January 9, 2026 Fall 2026
Friday, April 3, 2026 Winter 2027